Braemar Gathering - traditional sports beneath the mountains
The Braemar Gathering in the Highlands of Scotland is arguably the best known Highland Games in the country. This annual festival is held at the village of Braemar on the first Saturday in September and is traditionally attended by the British Royal Family.
The Braemar Gathering is known colloquially as The Games and originating from those believed to have been held by King Malcolm III.
In 1746, the Act of Proscription stopped all clan gatherings, but following its repeal in 1782, the old enthusiasms for such events returned. About 1826, the Braemar Highland Society was created; the first modern-day games taking place in 1832. On 14th September 1844, Queen Victoria attended the gathering at Invercauld, near Braemar.
In 1866, Royal was added to Braemar Highland Society and in 1906, the Duke of Fife presented 12 acres (5 hectares) of Mar Estate to the Society and The Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park, the current home of the Braemar Gathering, was created.
Since Queen Victoria's time, the reigning monarch has been the patron of the Braemar Royal Highland Society. The arena in which the Games takes place is only a few miles from the monarch's Highland home, Balmoral Castle.
Highlights of the Highland Games include massed pipe bands, Highland dancers and athletes, the tossing of the Braemar caber and tug o' war, in a stunning setting surrounded by heather clad mountains.
During the rest of the year, there is a museum and visitor centre dedicated to the Games and sporting and musical events often take place here.
Braemar itself is well-acquainted with tourism, with plenty of accommodation, eateries, golf, fishing, reasonable transport, and trails into the mountains - plus an amazing array of products made out of antlers!
Further reading
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