Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival
Amost every August since 1994, the village of Kettlewell in North Yorkshire has been invaded by an army of whimsical straw men that establish themselves in gardens, on rooftops, and in hidden corners.
The festival began in 1994 as a fundraiser for Kettlewell Primary School. Surprisingly, the call for homemade scarecrows seemed to strike a chord, and over 100 were created by the people of Kettlewell. Ever since, the festival has returned to the town every August, growing each year.
During the nine-day celebration, the locals create countless life-size homunculi, dressing them in everything from farm clothes to wedding dresses and posting them up everywhere from storefronts to rooftops.
The citizens of Kettlewell put their own spin on each creation, vying to outdo their neighbours. Many of the scarecrows are also tucked away in hidden spots just waiting to be found. Visitors can also try to solve riddles associated with some of the hollow men, and a Scarecrow Trail leaflet is available to guide them round the village so that they don’t miss anything out.
There are several other scarecrow festivals around the country, but Kettlewell remains one of the best.
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