The Painted Lady - a beauty that's been on a long journey
The Painted Lady butterfly is a long-distance migrant to Britain, undertaking one of the most spectacular such journeys. Each year, it spreads northwards from the desert fringes of North Africa, the Middle East, and central Asia, recolonising Britain and mainland Europe.
The Vanessa cardui Painted Lady is probably the most widespread butterfly in the world. It has no permanent residence and they are spotted across virtually all the continents, although the species is resident only in warmer areas. It migrates to Britain in spring, arriving in May and June, and sometimes again in autumn.
The last mass influx took place in 2009 when around 11 million Painted Ladies arrived in the UK, where their caterpillars feed on thistles.
Its anatomy is rather spectacular, with a forewing that bears a distinct white bar. The hind wing has a row of 5 tiny black dots, while the upper side of the freshly emerged butterfly is orange with rose-like overtones. The underside is a spotted grey, brown, and black.
Butterflies have sensors on their wings which require sunlight to let them fly. Essentially, these stunning creatures are solar powered. The Painted Lady Butterfly has taste sensors on their legs, with tiny scales on their wings that actually give them their colour.
The migrating populations that move from North Africa to Europe can include millions of butterflies. In spring, painted ladies fly low when migrating, usually only 6 to 12 feet above the ground, though much higher in the autumn. Radar records reveal they can clock up speeds of 30 mph by selecting favourable conditions, travelling up to 100 miles per day.
For decades, naturalists have debated whether the offspring of these immigrants ever make a southwards return migration. Research suggests that British Painted Ladies do undertake an autumn migration, making 14,500 km (9,000 mi) round trip from tropical Africa to northern Europe in a series of steps by up to six successive generations. In recent years, thanks to the activity of The Worldwide Painted Lady Migration citizen science project, the huge range of migration has begun to be revealed in more detail.
Their life span is hugely dependent upon the climate. Usually, the Painted Lady Butterfly lives for one season or cycle.
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