Sussex Bonfire Traditions
Many people will have heard of the spectacular annual bonfire night parades that take place in Lewes in East Sussex. However, Lewes is just one of the towns and villages on a circuit of bonfire festivities in the area. These include Hastings, Battle and Rye.
These lively parades are organised by Sussex Bonfire Societies and take place from September to November each year. Each society marches through the streets carrying flaming torches and dressed in distinctive and varied costumes, with marching bands and giant effigies following on. There is, of course, as giant bonfire in the centre of town, and the evening ends with fireworks.
The celebrations mark both Guy Fawkes Night and the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs in Lewes's High Street from 1555 to 1557, during the reign of Mary Tudor. Costumes worn by the different societies often have a historical significance.
The Bonfire Societies use the events to collect money for local charities.
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