The Camera Museum in London
Photographers visiting London may enjoy a refreshing cuppa at the Camera Museum which can be found opposite the British Museum - a charming combination of cafe, museum and camera shop.
The Camera Museum began life in 1999 as the Tang Café on Museum Street opposite the British Museum. It was created and run by brothers Patrick and Adrian Tang. Eventually Patrick, a keen camera collector, decided to open a camera business in the basement to complement the clink of coffee cups upstairs.
Eventually, the camera dealership and the coffee shop became one business - a uniquely atmospheric and creative place, frequented by photographers, artists, writers, students and tourists. And then the Camera Museum also opened downstairs to display the brothers' collection of historic cameras.
It now includes a fascinating Museum Gallery that exhibits a comprehensive timeline of cameras of all descriptions and makes, some of which you can even pick up and hold, dating from the 19th century to the forefront of the current digital age.
An estimated 40,000 different types of cameras have been made throughout the ever-changing history of photography. The Camera Museum will preserve cameras from every era and proudly show them to the public.
Even the upstairs cafe shows hints of the collection waiting down below. Photography-themed paraphernalia covers the walls, which patrons can admire while snacking on cookies and cakes. There’s also a small camera repair shop at the site as well.
There is a small entry fee for the museum section of the cafe and shop.
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